목록분류 전체보기 (234)
t = int(input()) for _ in range(t): ys = ko = 0 for _ in range(9): y, k = map(int, input().split()) ys+=y ko+=k if ys > ko : print("Yonsei") elif ys == ko: print("Draw") else: print("Korea")
n = int(input()) cy = sd = 100 for _ in range(n): a, b = map(int, input().split()) if a > b: sd -= a elif a == b: pass else: cy -= b print(cy) print(sd)
t = int(input()) a=b=c=d=n = 0 a = t //300 n = t % 300 b = n //60 n = n % 60 c = n // 10 n = n % 10 if n != 0: print(-1) else: print(a, b, c) 그리디 알고리즘인 거스름돈과 비슷한 문제이다 시간 t를 입력받고 300초, 60초, 10초로 나눈다 가장 큰 300초로 나눈 나머지를 n에 저장하고, 60, 10으로 나누어가며 횟수를 a,b,c에 저장한다. n이 나누어 떨어지지 않으면 -1, 나누어 떨어지면 a,b,c를 출력한다
while(True): m, f = map(int, input().split()) if m==0 and f==0: break print(m+f)
n = int(input()) Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, AXIS = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 for i in range(n): x, y = map(int, input().split()) if x >0 and y > 0: Q1 += 1 elif y > 0 > x: Q2 += 1 elif x 0 > y: Q4 += 1 elif x == 0 or y == 0: AXIS += 1 print("Q1: "+str(Q1)) print("Q2: "+str(Q2)) print("Q3: "+str(Q3)) print("Q4: "+str(Q4)) print("AXIS: "+str(AXIS))
hyper terminal 설정파일을 변경하고 다시 실행했더니 아예 창이 안 뜨고 작업 관리자엔 8개씩 떠있는 그런 현상이 생겼다 3번 정도 지우고 다시 깔다가 구글링해서 답을 찾았다. https://github.com/vercel/hyper/issues/4317 Hyper Terminal Not Opening after installation Windows 10. · Issue #4317 · vercel/hyper Hey Guys I used to love The Hyper Terminal.. IT was working fine and i uninstalled it for some reasons.. Now I recently installed it and performed cleaned installa..
REACT CONCEPTS 1. Don't touch the DOM. I'll do it (Declarative not imperative) 2. Build websites like lego blocks 3. Unidirectional data flow : virtualDOM , one way data flow 4. UI, The rest if up to you REACT KEYWORDS Declarative JSX Components Props State VirtualDOM THE JOB OF A REACT DEVELOPER 1. Decide on Components 2. Decide the State and where it lives 3. What changes when state changes np..